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赵军峰 主编
III. Passages for Interpreting
Passage 1
Respected Leaders, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
After intensive preparation, the first Annual Meeting of the Pan-Pearl River Delta
Regional Fishery Economic Cooperation Forum convenes now. On behalf of Guangdong
Provincial Oceanic and Fishery Administration, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all
of the participants and distinguished guests present at this forum. //
Expanding our cooperation in fishery under the general scheme of the Pan-Pearl River
Delta regional cooperation has become a pending task for all of us. We get together here
today to explore and discuss the new possibilities of the cooperation. We are committed to
materializing the content of the cooperation and promoting the rapid, harmonious and
sustainable development of fishery in the area. // At the same time, we have further expanded
our cooperation scope by including the participation of ASEAN counterparts. This effort will
speed up the cooperation between the Pan-Pearl River Delta (PPRD) and ASEAN in fishery
industry. The convention of this meeting has been stressed and facilitated by the Ministry of
Agriculture and local governments at provincial level. Delegates to this meeting are from nine
provinces and areas of the PPRD and fishery administrati
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