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摘要 各种即时通讯(IM )产品层出不穷,较典型的有 QQ, MSN, GTALK 等。通 常,采用不同协议的客户端之间无法交流。可扩展通讯和表示协议(XMPP)是一种 基于可扩展标记语言 (XML )的协议,它的出现解决了即时通讯系统的兼容问题。 但伴随更多功能扩展而来的是私密性信息的安全问题。本文旨在通过研究 XMPP 协议以及它的安全性问题,以使基于该协议的即时通讯客户端在应用中能得到更 为有效的安全通讯。 论文首先研究了 XMPP 协议的体系结构及其关健技术,重点研究并分析了 XMPP 协议的安全机制 TLS 和 SASL 协议,给出了其安全机制存在的问题。然后 通过对数字水印算法的相关理论与关键技术的研究,给出了 IM 客户端文件传输 及认证机制的安全措施。基于前面的理论研究,并将改进的基于字符颜色的文本 数字水印算法应用于 IM 客户端的安全文件传输功能中,最终设计并实现了一个 基于 XMPP 协议的安全即时通讯客户端。 测试结果表明,本文实现的即时通讯客户端达到了预期安全效果。在今后的 研究中还可以进一步尝试采用与其他数字水印技术相结合的算法,进一步增强即 时通讯系统的安全性。 关键词: 即时通讯 XMPP 安全通讯 文本数字水印 Abstract Various of Instant Messaging (IM) products emerge in an endless stream, especially like QQ, MSN, GTALK and so on. Usually, the users of the communication system which uses different protocols cannot interchange information at all. Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is a protocol based on Extensible Markup Language (XML). Because of its appear ,the compatible problem in instant communication can be solved. However,more functional expansion brings more security problems with privacy information. The paper aims to make sure that the application of IM client can get more effective security communication by studing and analyzing of XMPP ’s security problem. This paper first studied the architecture and key technology of XMPP, focused on study and analysis of the XMPP’s security mechanism which has TLS and SASL protocol, and given the problems that is in security mechanism. Then by studing the correlation theory and key technology of Digital Watermarking, the security arrangement of IM client’s document transmission and authentication mechanism were given. Based on the theoretical study ahead, the Text Digital


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