《Animation TipsTricks THUMBNAILS AnimationMentor》.doc

《Animation TipsTricks THUMBNAILS AnimationMentor》.doc

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《Animation TipsTricks THUMBNAILS AnimationMentor》.doc

Animation Tips Tricks: THUMBNAILS AnimationMentor 2007-09-19 00:20 Animation Tips Tricks: THUMBNAILS?? By: Shawn Kelly 翻译:刘源远(感谢同为动画爱好者的他为大家做的共享!) 日期:2007年9月12日 Welcome back! 欢迎回来! This month were going to talk about thumbnails (and as promised, Ill be more brief!). So, what are thumbnails? Well, animators often use the fingernails on their thumbs to animate with. If you use your thumbnails to click your mouse buttons instead of your forefingers, you get a much better result. 本月我们将探讨一下拇指甲(保证,我会更简捷!)。那么,何谓拇指甲?好吧,动画师们常用手指来做动画。要是你用拇指来代替食指敲击鼠标键的话,效果会更好的。 Wow, was that the all-time worst animation joke in the history of animation jokes? I think it must be, though Id also hazard a guess that the history of animation jokes is probably pretty short. 哇嗷,真是有史以来最烂的动画玩笑,我确信无疑,尽管这历史的长短,我还得碰碰运气。 Okay, so - for real now - what the heck are thumbnails? 到此为止,言归正传-拇指甲究竟是什么? Basically, thumbnail is a term used to describe a small thumbnail-sized drawing that describes a pose, an action, or an idea. 基本上拇指甲是个术语,讲的是拇指甲大小的绘画,它们用来记录一个姿势,描述一个动作,或表达一种想法。 The first rule of thumbnails is, dont talk about thumbnails. 第一条规矩是不要提拇指甲。 Jeeeez. I just did it again. Second worst animation joke in the history of animation jokes. Sorry. It wont happen again, I promise. 靠。我怎么又提。史上第二烂的动画玩笑。抱歉。不会有第三了,我发誓。 Okay, the first rule of thumbnails is: LET THEM BE ROUGH. 好,第一条准则就是:画个粗略大概。 They are SUPPOSED to look rough. They are not meant to be pretty pictures. Dont spend (waste!) a lot of time making each thumbnail look like a piece of art. Dont waste time shading it in, drawing all the little details, etc. Theyre meant to be fast and sloppy. The entire point of doing thumbnails is that it saves you time. 它们看起来应该很粗略,也就是说不能画的太漂亮。别花费(浪费!)太多时间把它做成艺术品。别浪费时间描绘所有细节。它们应该是又快又多才对,节省时间才是要点。 How does it save you time? Well, if you do thumbnails as part of your planning process, then you can work through all of your ideas BEFORE sitting down in front of the computer, and its inarguably much faster to do


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