《Animation TipsTricks_Blinks AnimationMentor》.doc

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《Animation TipsTricks_Blinks AnimationMentor》.doc

Animation Tips Tricks: Blinks AnimationMentor 作者:翻译:LuonaldoAnimation Tips Tricks: Blinks AnimationMentor系列动画技巧与窍门之五:眨眼 2007-09-19 00:25 Animation Tips Tricks: Blinks ?? By: Shawn Kelly??????? 05Nov 翻译:Luonaldo 日期;2007/09/18 Hello there! 嗨,各位好。 本月我的新闻角将会涉及一些比之前更有趣的,而且当然也更高级的话题。这回不再就一个话题喋喋不休数月了,而是要每个月 讲一个“动画小提示”。希望会很有趣! My little corner of the newsletter is evolving this month into something that will be more fun, and certainly more advanced than it has been so far. Instead of blathering on endlessly for months on end about a particular topic, well hit one animation tip per month. Hopefully itll be fun! 有些提示可能会比较随机提到,有些不会。基本上,你要看赶上我写文章的那天突发奇想要说什么。嘿,听着,如果你不喜欢这 样,那就去开一个你自己的新闻快讯,写你自己想写的任何东西!:) Some of the tips will be kind of random, and some of them wont. Basically, youll have to put up with whatever I happen to feel like writing about that day... Hey! Listen - if you dont like it, start your own newsletter and write about whatever YOU want to write about! :) So without further ado, heres my first animation tip! 好,闲话少说,开始我的第一个动画小提示! Oh, and if youve been reading the newsletters, you should already know that it goes without saying that my *REAL* first animation tip would be Planning Is Essential!, but since I think Ive beaten the planning topic deep into the ground already, (and buried it under a giant pile of mud, and then jumped up and down on the mud for good measure) Ill just assume we all already know that one and move on! Okay, sorry - I keep getting distracted... So the first tip? 哦,如果你读过之前的新闻,你应该已经知道,我真正的第一篇动画小提示是“做计划是必需的!”,但是既然我觉得关于“做 计划”这个主题我们已经挖掘的够深了,我就假定大家都知道了,那么就继续。 OK,对不起 -- 我老跑题。。。那么第一个提示是? 提示1:眨眼有含义! Tip 1: Blinks Have Meaning! I feel like writing about blinks today. Why? I just saw a commercial on TV (name of product withheld to protect the innocent) starring a character who had a severe blinking problem. 我觉得今天要写些关于眨眼。为什么?我刚刚在电视上看到一个商业广告(产品名字此处不提及)一个名角色有严重的眨眼问题 。 现在,我不是说那个角色眨眼过多。我不是说他眨眼太快。我不是说他眨眼偏移太多,太慢,太少。 Now, I dont mean the chara



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