《Inconel alloy 230》.pdf

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《Inconel alloy 230》.pdf

wwwwww..ssppeecciiaallmmeettaallss..ccoomm INCONEL alloy 230 (UNS N06230 / W.Nr. 2.4733) is PPhhyyssiiccaall aanndd TThheerrmmaall PPrrooppeerrttiieess a carbide strengthened nickel-chromium-tungsten- molybdenum alloy with an exceptional combination of Physical and thermal properties of INCONEL alloy 230 strength, stability, and resistance to corrosion at very are reported in Tables 2-5 and Figures 1-2. The values high temperatures. Alloy 230 offers particularly good for Youngs Modulus were determined by a dynamic resistance to oxidation at temperatures greater than method. Poissons ratio was calculated from the 1800°F (980°C). It also offers good resistance to modulus values. carburization and nitridation. The limiting composition of alloy 230 is listed in Table 1. The alloy is nickel-base. Chromium imparts TTaabbllee 22 - Physical and Thermal Properties at 70°F resistance to high temperature corrosion. Oxidation is further enhanced by a micro-addition of the rare earth Young’s Modulus, psi 30.67 x 106 element, lanthanum. Tungsten and molybdenum in


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