《Waveguide radiating element and system for measuring the performance of an antenna using》.pdf

《Waveguide radiating element and system for measuring the performance of an antenna using》.pdf

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《Waveguide radiating element and system for measuring the performance of an antenna using》.pdf

(19) (11) EP 2 479 842 A1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT APPLICATION (43) Date of publication: (51) Int Cl.: 25.07.2012 Bulletin 2012/30 H01Q 13/02 (2006.01) H01Q 15/00 (2006.01) (21) Application number:2 (22) Date of filing: 14.11.2011 (84) Designated Contracting States: (71) Applicant: Selex Sistemi Integrati S.p.A. AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB 00131 Roma (IT) GR HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC MK MT NL NO PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR (72) Inventor: De Luca, Angelo Designated Extension States: 00131 Roma (IT) BA ME (74) Representative: Perronace, Andrea et al (30) Priority: 16.11.2010 IT R Barzano Zanardo Roma S.p.A. Via Piemonte 26 00187 Roma (IT) (54) Waveguide radiating element and system for measuring the performance of an antenna using such a radiating element. (57) Waveguide radiating element (500) having a gular mouth on a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal working frequency that is tunable below the cut-off fre- axis, the rectangular mouth comprising an upper and a quency, the waveguide comprising a rectangular tube lower edge, as well as lateral edges, the tube being par- (550) presenting a longitudinal axis (530) and a rectan- tially filled with a MNG meta-material. 1 A 2 4 8 9 7 4 2 P E Printed by Jouve, 7



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