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2009 28 11 ! 1461! 中枢神经放射学 MRI * 郭 飞, 王中秋 , 张俊祥, 朱光辉 目的 ( NEC) MRI 资料与方法 15 MR I NEC MRI, , NEC 结果 15 NEC 6, 2, 1, 3, 3 MR I 80% , 20% , , , , , ; 2, , , , 结论 NEC, MRI ; NEC, MRI, MRI and PathologicalDiagnosis ofCentralNervous System NeuroepithelicalCyst GUO Fe,i WANG Zh ngqiu, ZHANG Junx iang, et al. Departm ent f Radi l gy, Bengbu M edical C llegeH sp it ,l N anjing Jin L ing H sp it ,l 233004, P. R. China Abstract Objective T investigate MRI features f central nerv us system neur epithelial cyst. Materials and M ethods 15 patients w ith neur ep ithelial cy st were ex am ined w ithMRI. Results Am ng the 15 cases f neur epithelial cysts, 6 cases l cated w ithin trig ne f lateral ventricles, 2 cases in the brain parenchyma, 1 case in left cerebell p n tine an gle cistern and 3 case in sacral canal respectively, 3 cases w ere ch r idal fissure cyst. The cysts in ven tricles, cictern and sacral canal had characteristic cyst features included thin wallw ith ut intramural n dules and peripheral edem a. Wh ile the cysts in brain parenchym a had n typical cy st sinal and w ere c nfused w ith hemat m a r tum r. Conclusion Neur ep ithe lial cyst m st c mm nly ccurred in trig ne f lateral ventricles. Neur epithelial cyst w ithin lateral ventricles sh w ed typ ical characteristics. MRI was the best t ls f r d iagn sis fN eur ep ithelial cyst and c uld pr vide instructi n f r clin ical thera py. eywords Neur ep ithelial cyst M agnetic res nance mi aging ( neur ep ithelical cyst, NEC) MR I , [ 1, 2 ] ,


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