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2011 No . 4 : 27 周顺兵, 李平和, 王志奋 ( ( ) , 430080) : X- , 80% , { 100} 011 ,; 80% , , {011} 100 , , , , : ; ; ; X- ; : T M275 : A : 1671- 8887( 2011) 04- 0027- 05 Effect of Com ressibilit in the Grain Oriented p y Silicon Steel Hot Rolled Plate on Texture Z HOU hun_bin , LI Pin _he, WANG Z hi_fen g g ( Research and Develo ment Centre o Wuhan Iron and teel ( Grou ) Cor oration , p f p p Wuhan 430080, China ) Abstract: The texture of the r ain oriented silicon steel hot rolled late at different g p co m r essibilit has been measured. The ex erimental results hav e shown that the textur e p y p of all sam les at different thickness is { 100} 011 w hen the com ressibilit is below p p y 80% , and its intensit at diff er ent com ressibilit and thickness is difference. T he texture y p y of all sam les at diff er ent thickness is v ar iable when the com r essibilit is above 80%, it p p y is { 100} 011 or {011} 100 , and the intensity of { 100} 011 tex tur e is very differ- ent , but that of {011} 100 tex tur e is not var iable. Key words: rain or iented silicon steel; com ressibilit ; thickness; X_ra diffraction; texture g p y y [2 ,



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