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19 5 Vol. 19, No . 5 2007 5 Journal of Iron and Steel Research May 2007 1 1 1 2 2 1 许荣昌 , 唐 荻 , 任学平 , 侯宏亮, 王耀奇, 温永红 ( 1. , 10008 ; 2. , 100087) : , ARB Q2 5 L2 , , , : , , , , , 2 , : ; ; : T G 51 5 :A : 1001-096 ( 2007) 05-0094-05 Metal Material Interface Bonding Property of Accumulative Rolling Bonding 1 1 1 2 XU Rong-chang , TA NG Di , REN Xue-ping , HOU Hong-liang , 2 1 WANG Yao-qi , WEN Yong-hong ( 1. National Engineering Research Center for Advanced Rolling Technology , University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 10008 , China; 2. Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute, Beijing 100087, China) Abstract:Interface bonding propert y of met al material is the key technology , and accumulative rolling bonding ( ARB) indust rial experiment of plain carbon steel Q2 5 and pure aluminum L2 w as carried out by multi-function and high pow er hot mill. T he interface bonding propert y, interface bonding intensity, interface rupture property , and the microstructure affect their interface. The results show that the deformation temperature, the first reduc- tion rate, cycles, microstructure, intensity, prolongation rate are the factors affect ing interface intensity. T he re- sults also show that the int erface microst ruct ure is cont inuous and bonded w ell as the cycles are over two times. Key word


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