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2010年第 20期  科技管理研 究 Science and T echno logy M anagem ent R esearch  2010 N o 20 文章编号:  1000- 7695 2010 20- 0161- 04 国外经验对我国标准化建设的启示 王健敏  1, 2 1  1 1 中山大学工学 院, 广东广州 510006; 2 仲恺农业工程学院机电工程学院, 广东广州 510225 摘要: 为加快我国标准化建设, 充分发挥标 准在我 国科技 管理、生产 建设、国 际贸易 和公共 安全中 的作用, 在 借鉴国际、国外先进经验, 分析我国国情和 标准化工作中存在的 不足的基 础上, 提 出: 需制定我 国标准化 战略; 标准化工作中分类加强政 府行政主导作用和引入市场 机制; 大 力发展自 主创新 的科学 技术, 重视 和加强 标准化 基础理论研究和标准化队 伍建设, 形成具有中国特色的标准体系。 关键词: 标准化建设; 标准化体制; 标准体系; 比较; 经验; 中图分类号: F273 1 文献标识码: A Standard ization D evelopm en t in Ch ina W ANG Jinm in1, 2, HUANG PU L ix ia1, GUO K a ihua1 1 Schoo l of Eng ineering, Sun Y a t sen U n iversity, G uang zhou 510006, Guangdong; 2 Zhongka iU niversity of A gr icu lture and Eng ineer ing, G uangzhou 510225, G uangdong Abstrac t: Standard ization, w hich is recognized as an effective m anagem en tm ethod, is w idely im p lemented in internationa l trade, techno logy im provem ent, and o ther im portant areas by m any coun tries. In order to speed up the establishm ent of Ch ina s standardization, th is essay prov ides som e suggestions on standardization deve lopm en twh ich w ou ld be benefic ia l to sc ience m anag em ent, manu fac tur ing, international trade and pub lic secu rity. Based on the analysis o f its current situa tion and defic ienc ies of standard ization in China, as w ell as the advanced experience in standard iza tion developm ent among the developed countries, this essay suggests that Ch ina s standardization strategy should be scheduled for deve lopm ent and it should be form ed as its own standa rd system. F irstly, gove rnm en t adm in istra tion should be strengthened o r the m arket m echan ism shou ld be introduced in d iffe rent areas. Secondly, the innovation development on sc ience and techno logy should be encouraged. Th ird ly, the research of basic theory on standard ization shou ld be enhanced. Fourthly, the standa rd iza tion experts should be tra ined and the team shou ld be expanded to streng t


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