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2007 ( 29 ) 11 A utom otive Eng ineer ing 2007 ( V o.l 29) N o. 11 2007215 * 耿 华, 张 涛, 连小珉, 杨殿阁 ( 清华大学, 汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室, 北京 100084) [ ] , , , , , , , , : V eh icle P os ition ing by B eidou Satellite Fu sing w ith O nboard Sen sors G eng Hua, Zhang Tao, Lian X iaom in Y ang D iange Tsinghua University, StateK ey Laboratory of Automotive Saf ety and E nergy, B eij ing 100084 [Ab strac t] In order to mi prove the posit ioning perform ance of the Be idou sate llite, an algorithm o f data fu sion betw een Be idou sa tellite and onboard sensors in vehicle is proposed b ased on K a lm an filter. The algo rithm consists o f wt o p arts: veh icle direction fusion and veh icle position fu sion. T he form er estmi ates the real valu e o f the north ang le by fu sing the north ang les and its ch ang ing rates from bo th the e lectron ic com pass and gyroscop e. T he latter estmi ates the vehic le position by synchronizing the speed vector and the position vector m easured by B eidou system. A n inform ation acqu isition system for Be idou and veh icle sta tes is designed to verify the data fu sion algo rithm. T he results of smi ulative calcu lation show th at the algo rithm can increase the frequ ency, reduce the error, and mi prove the perform ance of the veh icle position ing by Be idou sate llite. K eyw ord s V eh icle positioning; Be idou sate llite; Kalm an filter; Electronic com pass; Gyroscope , , , , ,


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