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2010( 32) 9 Automotive Engineering 2010(Vo.l 32) No. 9
李克强, 陈 涛, 罗禹贡, 王建强
(清华大学, 汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室, 北京 100084)
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Environm entally riendly IntelligentVehicle:
Concept, A rchitecture and Implem entation
Li Keqiang, Chen Tao, Luo Yugong W ang Jianqiang
T s inghua University, S ta te K ey La boratory of A u tom ot ive S af ety and Energy, B eji ing 100084
[Abstract] The new concept of environmentally friendly intelligent vehicle platform is proposed. The plat
form contains three main systems of clean energy powertrain, electronically controlled chassis and intelligent safety
auxiliary system. It integrates three key technologies of structure sharing, information fusion and control coordina
tion, and can comprehensively fulfill three major vehicle functions of safety, energy saving and environm ental pro
tection. Based on the description of its structures and functions, som e key technologies involved are presented, and
an expermi ental platform of intelligent hybrid electric vehicle ( IHEV) w ith adaptive cruise and collision avoidance
functions is developed. The results of smi ulation and test reveal the comprehensive superiority of IHEV in driving
safety, energy saving and environmental protection.
K eywords: en ironmentally friendly intelligent ehicle; structure sharing; information fusion; control
coordination; IHEV
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