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毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题 目 我国商业银行中间业务存在的问题 及对策研究 院 系: 经济管理学院 专 业: 财务管理(双学位) 班 级: T953-8 学生姓名: 周威威 学 号: 指导教师: 摘要 国际金融业发展主流是加强中间业务的发展, Abstract To strengthen the development of intermediary business is the mainstream of the international financial sector development,the huge difference of the intermediate business which generated from the bank competitive assets to the process of competitiveness and even competitive environment have had to let our concern intermediary businesses. This paper first describes the intermediary business related theories,Second, analysis of Chinas intermediary business development status,On this basis, summed up Chinas the main problems of intermediary business,finally eleven proposed development countermeasures. To promote Chinas intermediary business of commercial banks Obtain better and faster development,following aspects should strive:Change their ideas and improve the understanding of the development of intermediary business; improve the level of financial technology; increase the investments in technology,establishment and improvement of intermediate business regulatory system,improve the legal system;establish a sound internal organization and management mechanisms ;improve personnel training mechanism, cultivating talent. Keywords: commercial bank; intermediary business; development strategy 目录 引言…………………………………………………………………………………1 第一章 我国商业银行中间业务发展概况…………………………………………2 1.1 中间业务的定义……………………………………..................................2 1.2 发展中间业务的必要性……………………………………........................2 1.2.1 中间业务是增加银行稳定收入的重要来源…………………….........2 1.2.2 中间业务可以降低银行经营风险………………………………….....2 1.2.3 促进传统资产负债业务发展…………………………………….........3 1.2.4 银行业务多元化有利于银行合理有效配置资源...............................3 1.3 中间业务的发展历程……………………………………...........................3 1.4 中间业务发展特点……………………………………...............................4 1.4.1 中间业务总量增加,收入快速增长………………………………......4 1.4.2 结算类业务趋于成熟…………………………………….


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