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摘 要 关键词:SystemView仿真;误码率 Abstract By making a summary and analysis about various channel coding system, and the type and coding specification of error control, the thesis draws quantitative calculation results about the impact of error control coding on the digital communication system reliability, according to differences between various common coding bit error rate and code word error rate. The thesis introduces the linear block code, cyclic code and convolution code, as well as their related content. Error control coding system is analyzed by SystemView in model building, system design, simulation demonstration, results display, error analysis and comprehensive performance. It discusses error control system抯 design and implementation of simulation in SystemView language environment. According to the theoretical basis of error control system, combining with SystemView software package, it achieves modeling of control system. What抯 more, it achieves the purpose of error control, combining with simulation of SystemView. We can conclude from the analysis of simulation results that if information code is conducted by error control, bit error control will be greatly reduced. Keywords:Error control coding;SystemView Simulation;bit error control 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 1 1.2 差错控制编码研究意义及现状 1 1.3 本课题研究的主要内容 2 2 SystemView介绍 3 2.1 SystemView概述 3 2.2 SystemView简介 4 2.3 设计窗口 5 2.4 分析窗口 6 3差错控制编码技术原理 8 3.1 差错控制编码基本原理 8 3.2 错误类型 8 3.3 差错控制的基本方式 9 3.4 信道编码的基本原理 10 3.5 几种简单的编码 11 4 差错控制编码的仿真 13 4.1 线性分组码 13 4.1.1 线性分组码的基本概念 13 4.1.2 (7,4)汉明码的编译仿真 15 .2 循环码 18 4.2.1 循环码的概念 18 4.2.2 循环码的生成矩阵 18 4.2.3 循环码的编码方法 19 4.2.4 循环码的解码方法 19 4.3 BCH编码 20 4.3.1 本原循环码 20 4.3.2 BCH码的编译码 21 4.3.3 BCH码的SystemView仿真 22 4.3.4 RS码 23 4.4 交织码 28 4.5 卷积码 30 4.5.1 卷积码简介 31 4.5.2 卷积码编译码的仿真 31 参考文献 35 结 论 33 致 谢 34 附 录 36 A 英文原文 36 附录B 中文翻译 45 1 绪论 1.1 课题背景 21世纪信息工程领域中的特色,数字通信技术必将在新世纪中发挥重要作用。从发展的眼光看,数字通信技术领域的发展会越来越快,而且该技术领域中的技术向其他领域的渗透也呈现出加速趋势。 近些年来,通信增值业务得到迅速发展,保证通信中较低信噪比情况


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