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论文题目:: 指导教师: 关 键 词:混杂模式 捕获数据包 网页 Title: Base on the bypass web access montitoring system deisign and implementation Name: Supervisor: Abstract In the laboratory or office, administrators or employees can always expect students to concentrate on their own tasks, rather than to browse watch and study or work unrelated pages or sites. Thus, when students or staff independent of the input URL, the server administrator can grab it on the page in front of their handshake prepared in advance and send the administrator page, thus preventing its normal access, improve the learning efficiency.First introduced the bad sites for normal network intrusion and damage, the card is set by the operator to achieve a packet capture to promiscuous mode, so as to effectively monitor the entire network through IP packet filtering module in addition to the HTTP GET and POST package packet filter to extract the URL address, and then prepared a database with URL blacklist matching to determine which is unrelated to work or study site, thus blocking its access to the network environment to achieve the purpose of purification.Finally, a detailed embodiment of the system for testing the performance and functionality, so that the functional integrity and performance of the system with some optimization. KEY WORDS: Library management system; Cache; efficient 1绪论 1 1.1课题背景 6 1.2国内外发展现状 6 1.3本文主要任务 8 1.4论文的组织结构 8 2.相关知识理论 9 2.1 OSI参考模型 9 2.2 TCP/IP体系结构 10 2.3 OSI与TCP/IP的比较 11 2.4 HTTP协议 12 2.5 IP协议 13 2.6数据捕获函数的一些函数 15 2.7本章小结 16 3.需求分析 18 3.1可行性分析 18 3.1.1技术可行性 18 3.1.2经济可行性 18 3.1.3社会可行性 19 3.2系统需求分析 19 3.2.1 功能需求 19 3.2.2 性能需求 23 3.2.3运行需求 24 3.2.4安全需求分析 24 4系统设计 26 4.1网络监听模块 26 4.2拦截策略控制模块 27 4.3 IP包分析模块 28 4.3.1IP包过滤模块 28 4.3.2网址匹配模块 31 4.4网页拦截模块 32 4.5数据更新模块 34 4.6消息提示模块 35 5.系统测试 37 5.1系统开发环境 37 5.2系统测试 37 6.总结与展望 40 6.1总结 40 6.2展望 41 1绪论 1.1课题背景 随着计算机网络的快速发展,给人们的工作和生活带来了极大的便利。1970年之后,网络环境日益恶化,网络信息安全第一次作为一个独立的学科来进行研究,但是当时侧重的是研究针对类似于访问控制安全策略、访问数据加密特定信息系统的一些控制手段。1990年之后,网络病毒、黑客攻击事件泛滥,网络非


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