Protein transfer between A-I-containing lipoprotein subpopulations Evidence of non-transferable A-I in particles with A-II》.pdf

Protein transfer between A-I-containing lipoprotein subpopulations Evidence of non-transferable A-I in particles with A-II》.pdf

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Protein transfer between A-I-containing lipoprotein subpopulations Evidence of non-transferable A-I in particles with A-II》.pdf

68 ~j~~(*~j~zj~~~c’t Bio~~sicc~Arfci, I 165 f 1902) h8-77 Q 1992 Efsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved cW)rt.s-27hO/Yt/$ll5.LIO BBALIP 54028 Protein transfer between A-I-containing lipoprotein subpopulations: evidence of non- transferable A-I in particles with A-II (Received 11 May 1992) Key words: Apo A-I; Apo A-II; HDL subpopulation; Protein transfer: lmmunoaffinity chromatography; Radioiodination Transfer of apolipoprotcins (ape) between the two subpopulations of apo A-I-containing lipoproteins in human plasma: those with A-II [Lp(AI w AII)] and those without [Lp(AI w/o AR)], were studied by observing the transfer of f25I-apo from it radiolabcied subpopulation to an unlabeled subpopulation in vitro. When Lp(A1 w AII) was directly radioiodinatcd, 50.3 7.4 and 19.5 i 7.7% (n = 6) of the total radioactivity was associated with A-I and A-II, respectively. In ~ddi~~i~~~iffated Lp(AI w/o AII), 71.5 t 6.8% (n = 6) of the total radioactivity was A-f-associated. Time-course studies showed that, while some ~di(~l~b~]~~ proteins transferred from one modulation of HDL particles to another within minutes, at least several hours wcrc necessary for transfer to approach equilibrium. Inc


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