Pseudo-polynomial dynamic programming for an integrated due date assignment, resource allocation, production, and distribution scheduling model in supply chain scheduling》.pdf

Pseudo-polynomial dynamic programming for an integrated due date assignment, resource allocation, production, and distribution scheduling model in supply chain scheduling》.pdf

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Pseudo-polynomial dynamic programming for an integrated due date assignment, resource allocation, production, and distribution scheduling model in supply chain scheduling》.pdf

Applied Mathematical Modelling 39 (2015) 3280–3289 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Applied Mathematical Modelling journal homepage: www.else /locate/apm Pseudo-polynomial dynamic programming for an integrated due date assignment, resource allocation, production, and distribution scheduling model in supply chain scheduling Morteza Rasti-Barzoki ⇑, Seyed Reza Hejazi Department of Industrial Systems Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-8311, Iran a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: In this study, we consider an integrated due date assignment, production, and batch Received 15 March 2013 delivery scheduling problem with controllable processing times for multiple customers Received in revised form 25 June 2014 in a supply chain. The objective is to minimize the sum of the weighted number of tardy Accepted 14 November 2014 jobs as well as the due date assignment, resource allocation, and batch delivery costs. This Available online 28 November 2014 model can also be applied when some parts of the jobs are outsourced. The problem is NP-hard. We propose a pseudo-polynomial dynamic programming algorithm to solve this Keywords: problem, which shows that the problem is ordinary NP-hard. We performed computational Controllable processing time and resource allocation tests to evaluate the proposed method. Distribution



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