Psychopathic traits and aggression Which trait components predict aggressive responding in a laboratory task》.pdf

Psychopathic traits and aggression Which trait components predict aggressive responding in a laboratory task》.pdf

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Psychopathic traits and aggression Which trait components predict aggressive responding in a laboratory task》.pdf

Personality and Individual Differences 87 (2015) 180–184 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Personality and Individual Differences journal homepage: /locate/paid Psychopathic traits and aggression: Which trait components predict aggressive responding in a laboratory task? Joshua D. Miller ⁎, Lauren F. Wilson, Courtland S. Hyatt, Amos Zeichner University of Georgia, United States a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Psychopathy is a complex personality disorder comprising traits related to interpersonal and emotional callous- Received 15 April 2015 ness, egocentricity, and manipulativeness, cognitive and behavioral disinhibition, emotional resilience and fear- Received in revised form 17 June 2015 lessness, and a bold interpersonal style. Aggressive behavior is considered by many one of the central behavioral Accepted 3 August 2015 correlates or consequences of psychopathy. In the current study, we examined the relations between psycho- Available online 16 August 2015 pathic traits and aggression manifested in a behavioral shock paradigm in two samples (Sample 1: undergradu- Keywords: ates — N = 101; Sample 2: community sample — N = 104). Across both samples, traits related to Antagonism Psychopathy and Disinhibition were significantly correlated with aggressive responding within this paradigm (i.e., shocking Aggression



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