Remarks on subharmonic oscillations of a semilinear wave equation》.pdf

Remarks on subharmonic oscillations of a semilinear wave equation》.pdf

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Remarks on subharmonic oscillations of a semilinear wave equation》.pdf

No&war Annlysrr. Theory. ,UeMcthodr& Applicanons, Vol. 11. 30. I. pp. 539-547. 1987 11362-54X87 53.M) - .M) Pnnted in Great Britain. Pergamon Journals Ltd. REMARKS ON SUBHARMONIC OSCILLATIONS OF A SElMILINEAR WAVE EQUATION” A. C~\POZZIand A. SALVATORE Dipartimento di Matematica. Universith di Bari, Via G. Fortunato. 70100 Bari. Italy (Receiued 28 Februnv 1986; received for publicorion 28 May 1986) Key words and phrases: Periodic solutions of wave equations, variational methods. INTRODUCTION CONSIDER the semilinear wave equation Uff - UX,= f(x. f, u) U(X,t) = U(X, f -t T) tEW,xE[O,x] (0.1) i U(0, t) = u(,r. f) = 0 fEIW where u E C’([O, n] x 53, iw), T is a rational multiple of ,z. fE C’([O, ‘z] x W X ;3. A) and f is T-periodic in f. The aim of this note is to make some remarks on the existence of subharmonics for (0.1). The problem (0.1) has a peculiarity: the kernel of the wave operator 0 = 07 - 0: has infinite multiplicity. For this reason this problem has been studied by many authors under the assumption of monotonicity for nonlinear map f (cf. [3] and its references). We recall for example the existence theorems o



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