牛津版高二 Module 7Unit 3课程.ppt

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Reading Language points a variety of 各种各样的, 多种多样的 This shop has a variety of toys. He offered a variety of excuses. The reports embraces a great variety of subjects. 2. communicate 联系, 通消息, 交流思想 (vi) They had no way to communicate with Kurt. The two friends haven’t communicated with each other for years. 传达, 表达, 传送(vt) With his help, we tried to communicate the feelings to the hosts. You don’t communicate your ideas well in the essay. 传染 (vt.) He communicated the disease to the rest of his family. School children often communicate colds to each other. 3. advance 往前走, 有进展; 上涨(vi) I signed to him to keep away, but he continued to advance. A month has passed and the work has not advanced. Sugar has advanced two cents a pound. 提高, 促进, 提前; 提出(看法、建议等) vt The shopkeepers advanced their prices. His work advanced the science of microbiology. The date of the meeting was advanced from June 10 to June 3. The plan he advanced was not good. May I advance my opinion on this matter? in advance 事前, 提前 Everything should be fixed in advance. in advance of 在 …… 前面 She walked two yards in advance of her husband. In this he was in advance of his party. 4. tie 领带; 联系,纽带; 束缚人的东西; 平局, 不分胜负 n(均为可数) Men are supposed to wear coats and ties to the party. There are many ties of friendship between the two countries. Mothers often find their small children a tie. The result of the competition was a tie. 系, 捆, 扎, 拴vt /vi Tie the horse to the tree. She tied her hair with ribbon. My dress tied at the back. How do these thing tie together? 把…..联系在一起 vt Mutual interests tied us together. The United States and Great Britain are tied by a common language and mutual interests. 打成平局, 和…..相平vi The two teams tied. The two boys tied for the first place. John and James tied in the race. tie up 系好, 捆上 tie in with把…..联系起来, 和…….有联系 5.benefit n 益处, 好处, 优越之处 (不可数) I get on personal benefit from the business. Did you get much benefit from your holiday? 具体的好处 (可数) The new factory will be a great benefit to t


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