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热带农业科技 2015,38(4) - 1 - Tropical Agricultural Science Technology 不同剂量2%乙烯利涂抹剂调节橡胶树增产效应试验 胡卓勇,李发昌 (云南省热带作物科学研究所,云南景洪666100) 摘要摘要::通过对不同剂量的2%乙烯利涂抹剂调节橡胶树增产效应试验,结果表明:每株次施用有效成分 0.02、0.04、0.06和0.08 g 与对照相比有极显著(P<0.01)增产效应,不同剂量之间差异不显著(P> 0.05);施用有效成分0.08 g的不仅增产效应较差,而且割线还出现轻微的排胶障碍。施药后的第1刀 增产幅度大,但各处理干胶含量并无明显降低;药后第2~4刀各处理干胶含量明显降低,药后第5刀 (21 d)干胶含量趋于平稳。2%乙烯利涂抹剂可在云南植胶区推广使用,推荐用量0.02~0.04 g·ai/株· -1 次 ,施药周期可根据品种、割龄、胶园和干胶含量变化等具体情况,从以往的12~15 d延长至21 d以 上,可以达到新割制的持续高效、稳产、安全的要求。 关键词关键词:橡胶树;乙烯利;增产效应 中图分类号:S794.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-450X(2015)04-0001-04 —————————————— TheThe EffectEffect ofof 22%% EthephonEthephon SpraySpray onon thethe YieldYield ofof HeveaHevea RubberRubber atat DifferentDifferent DosesDoses HU Zhuoyong, LI Fachang YunnanInstituteofTropicalCrops,Jinghong 666100,China Abstract:Abstract: Experiment of 2% ethephon spray (known as Kangbingzengjiaoling) on Hevea rubber at diferent doses was carried out. The results indicated that there is greatly increasing effect of yield (P0.01) when applied active components at 0.02 g, 0.04 g, 0.06 g, and 0.08 g per tree each time respectively, compared with control. There is no obvious difference among the doses ( P0.05). But the yield would increase slightly at dose of 0.08 g, and there apperas some latex block in the panel. It`s found that there is clear increasing in yield after applied ethephon, and the content of dry rubber seems no decrease un- der all treatments for the first tapping, then drop down for the second to fourth tapping, come back to stable again in 21 days (the fifth tapping). It is thus recommended that 2% ehephon spray can be used in rubber planting area in Yunnan Province with doses ranged in 0.02 g to 0.04 g · ai per tree each time. The spray cycle time depends on rubber


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