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Chinese Scientific Journal of Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation 临床研究 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-4933.2015.04.003 婴幼儿chirp声ABR和短声ABR对比研究 A Comparison of Auditory Brainstem Responses Elicited by Chirp and Click in Infants with Normal Hearing ■陶征 韩睿 宋戎 TAO Zheng, HAN Rui, SONG Rong 比较chirp声与短声ABR的V波振幅和潜伏期值,从而探讨chirp声在ABR测试时是否更具优势。 分 【摘要】目的 方法 别用chirp声与短声两种测试声记录16例听力正常婴幼儿(24耳)的ABR,比较10~70 dB nHL不同刺激强度下两种测试声 引出V波的振幅大小以及高强度和阈值强度下引出V波的潜伏期差异。 在强度为20~70 dB nHL时,两种刺激声的V 结果 波振幅无显著差异(P0.05);刺激声强度为10 dB nHL时,chirp声V波的引出率较短声显著增高(分别为15/24和7/24, 0.01)。较高刺激强度时,两种测试声引出的V波潜伏期无明显差异( 0.05);阈值水平时,chirp声ABR的V波潜伏期 P P 比短声ABR的V波潜伏期长( 0.05)。 本组听力正常婴幼儿ABR测试中chirp声相比短声增加V波振幅的优势并不 P 结论 显著,且I波和III波不如短声ABR典型;在临床应用chirp声之前还应进一步深入研究。 chirp声;短声;ABR;V波 【关键词】 【 】 Abstract Obj ective To compare the amplitudes and latencies of wave Ⅴ between chirp and click evoked auditory brainstem responses(ABR) and to discuss whether chirp is more advantageous in ABR test. Methods The chirp and click- evoked ABRs of 16 normal-hearing infants (24 ears) were recorded. The wave Ⅴ amplitudes at the stimulus intensities of 10- 70 dB nHL and latencies at the high and threshold intensities were compared between chirp and click-evoked ABR. Results There was no significant difference in the wave Ⅴ amplitudes between chirp and click-evoked ABR at the intensities of 20- 70 dB nHL. At the intensity of 10 dB nHL, the positive rate of wave Ⅴ elicited by chirp was significantly higher than that elicited by click. At the high stimulus intensity, there was no significant difference in the latenci


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