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编号 本科生毕业Call Ward System 学 生 姓 名 张杭 专 业 自动化 学 号 310908020526 指 导 教 师 乔美英 学 院 电气学院 20013年 6 月 摘 要 在大型机关,医院、旅馆、KTV中,常需要有一种内部联络和呼叫系统,以便在旅客(病员)和服务人员之间建立必要的联络,而一般的内部通话系统都比较少,经常使用的是比较便宜的呼叫指示,这种呼叫指示系统在提示的同时,能够用数码管显示各呼叫的号码 本设计以为核心的病人呼叫系统,对该系统的硬件和软件结构进行了相应的描述。实现医院医疗人员值班室和病人房之间的通信呼叫联系,具有使用方便、操作简单等特点。伴随着医疗体制改革的不断深化和医疗事业的飞速发展,越来越多的人们需要迅捷、方便医疗服务。 衡量一个医院的综合水平高低,不再仅局限于硬件的建设上,更要比服务。临床呼叫求助装置是传送临床信息的重要手段,关系病员安危,传统的有线呼叫系统历来受到各大医院的普遍重视。如果采用无线传输,会节约布线和改造线路的资金,为医院节约成本,并且及时、准确、可靠、简便可行,比目前的同类产品更能受到医院及病人的认可,有更强的竞争力,能大量推广。 在医院的病房里每个床位边都装有一个呼叫按钮,当病人需要帮助时,按下呼叫按钮,护士办公室里呼叫显示板上相应房间号的指示灯点亮并进行提示 关键字:呼叫系统; AT89C52; 程序软件; Abstract In large organizations, hospitals, hotels, KTV, often need to have an internal contact and call system, so that the passengers (patient) and establish the necessary contact between service personnel, while internal communications systems are small, often using the cheaper call instructions, this call indicator system in the tip at the same time, to be able to use digital pipe display the call number Patient call this design is based on AT89C52 as the core system, the system of hardware and software structure are described in the corresponding program. No call, the digital tube display time, time can be set by buttons; Have call request, the digital tube display the call number, buzzer ringing, nurses reply buttons, implement hospital medical personnel office calls contact and communication between the patient room, has the characteristics of convenient use, simple operation. Along with the deepening reform of medical system and the rapid development of medical enterprise, more and more people need to be quick and convenient medical service. The comprehensive level of high and low, so the measure of a hospital is no longer limited to hardware construction, more than services. Clinical call for help device is an important means of transmission of clinical information, patient safety, traditional wired calling system has been paid attention



