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万方数据 中文摘要 彼得·伊里奇·柴可夫斯基(Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky ,1840~1893)是浪漫 主义时期伟大的俄国作曲家。D 大调小提琴协奏曲 (作品35 号)风格淳朴、气 息宽广,体现了浓郁的俄罗斯民族气质,是俄罗斯乃至世界小提琴艺术中的杰作。 本文以《D 大调小提琴协奏曲》的三个乐章为主要研究对象,分为序言、正 文三个章节和结语三部分。序言简要概括了作品创作背景及国内外研究现状,体 现了作品研究意义。第一章对乐曲三个乐章的曲式结构进行了分析。第二章为乐 谱版本和演奏版本的比较。第三章在把握作品音乐风格的同时,对作品演奏处理 进行了详细的分析。结论对本文主要观点和内容进行了阐述和总结。 关键词 柴可夫斯基;小提琴协奏曲;结构分析;版本比较;演奏体会 1 万方数据 Abstract Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840~1893) is the great Russian composer of the romantic period. Violin Concerto in D major (op. 35) simple style, broad breath, embodies rich Russian national temperament, is the violin art of Russia and the world. In this paper, "the three movement concerto in D major" as the main research object, is divided into preface, three chapters and conclusion of three parts. The preface briefly summarizes the research background and the domestic and foreign works of creation, reflects the significance of the research. The first chapter form structure to the music three movements are analyzed. The second chapter version of music and play version of the comparison. In the third chapter, grasp the work style of music at the same time, works on the performance are analyzed in detail. Conclusion are elaborated and summarized the main points and content. Key words Tchaikovsky; Violin Concerto; Structure analysis; Compare versions; Playing experience


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