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Music plays an important part in our life : 谷秀丽 Musical instruments konghou箜篌 guzheng 古筝 harp竖琴 pipa琵琶 mandolin曼陀林 lute 鲁特琴 Module 4 Lead in 1.Some information about Liu Fang. 2.What is the biggest challenge of playing the pipa and the guzheng? 3.What influences her music? 4.What characteristics does she show when she plays the classical Chinese music? 5.What does she like best about performing live? 6.What are her goals as an artist? Think and discuss: read the passage and answer the questions. career Year of birth hometown The place she is living in The musical instruments The school The training she received When she was a child ,_______________________ Before she could speak,_______________________ When she was five years old,____________________ When she was 15 years old,___________________ Show: 1.Information about Liu Fang: Career Year of birth Hometown The place she is living in The musical instruments The school The training she received When she was a child ,_______________________ Before she could speak,_______________________ When she was five years old,____________________ When she was 15 years old,___________________ An international music star 1974 Kunming Canada Pipa guzheng yueqin Shanghai Conservatory of music her mom took her to performances. she listened to music. her mom taught her to play the yueqin. she went to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. It is to respect the traditions but to add her own style when playing. 2.What is the biggest challenge of playing the pipa and the guzheng? 3.What influences her music? Traditional singing. 4.What characteristics does she show when she plays the classical Chinese music? Characteristics firstly, secondly, thirdly, it is similar to the Chinese language. it is connected to Chinese poetry. it is much similar to traditional Chinese painting. 6.What are her goals as an artist? She wants to work with master musicians ; compos


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