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Speech signal processing is a subject to study how to produce,transmit and obtain speech information effectively.The thesis starts with a literature review about the development of speech signal processing and provides an expectation for the future.Next.an analysis is carried out on production mechanism of speech signal,setting up a simple and feasible mathematic model to analyze the physical significance of speech characteristic parameter and how to determine it.From the aspect of its hardware,a designing project of the speech processing system is established on the basis of TMS320VC5402.The project first gives a brief introduction about the composition of DSP system and then displays its basic framework.Next ,all elaboration is provided for the parts like selection of chip,module of audio frequency switch,extended memorizer, UART data communication and power voltage switch.The technology of DSP is applied in the designing process. From the aspect of software.the thesis starts with an introduction about CCS.and then about DSP software developing flow.At last,a detailed elaboration is given respectively to the designing and analysis of initialization of DSP collection of audio frequency and parallel boot load procedure of TMS320VC5402
The study in the thesis touches upon a part of a speech identification system.A profound exploration has been conducted on the areas like development and research statement of speech processing,capability parameter of TMS320VC5402 chip, knowledge about software and hardware,as well as the designing and developing flow of DSP system.
Key words:speech signal processing,characteristic parameter, Digital signal processor, information storage devices 4004 (ISD4004),Serial Peripheral Interface(SPI摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章绪论 1
1.1引 言 1
1.2系统设计的意义 2
1.3 系统设计的目的 3
1.4 系统采用的实现方法 3
第2章 DSP控制技术和开发环境介绍 4
2.1 DSP核心芯片TMS320C5402引脚的介绍 4
2.1.1 概述 4
2.1.2TMS320C5402主要性能参数 4
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