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RCC电路间歇振荡的研究 摘要 : RCC变换器通常是指自振式反激变换器。它是由较少的几个器件就可以组成的高效电路,已经广泛用于小功率电路离线工作状态。由于控制电路能够与少量分立元件一起工作而不会出现差错,所以电路的总的花费要比普通的PWM反激逆变器低。一方面,当其控制电流过高时就会出现一种间歇振荡现象,从而使得电路的振荡周期在很大范围内变化,类如例如从数百赫兹到数千赫兹之间变化,因而在较大功率输出时将引起变压器等产生异常的噪音,所以需要抑制这种现象的产生。另一方面,当电路的输出功率较小时,却可以利用这种间歇振荡,使开关电路处于低能耗状态。当需要电路工作时,只需给电路一个信号脉冲即可。电路本文主要通过实验仿真的方法在RCC电路中加入某些特定的电路从而达到抑制消除这种间歇振荡,同时还简要阐述一些利用间歇振荡的例子。 关键字:开关电源,RCC电路,间歇振荡 Analysis Of Intermittent Oscillation In Ringing Choke Converter Abstract: The self-oscillating flyback converter, often referred to as the ringing choke converter (RCC), is a robust, low component-count circuit that has been widely used in low power off-line applications. Since the control of the circuit can be implemented with very few discrete components without loss of performance, the overall cost of the circuit is generally lower than the conventional PWM flyback converter that employs a commercially available integrated control . On one hand, when its control current is excessive there will be an intermittent oscillation phenomena, thus enabling oscillations of the circle in the context of great changes, such as from a few hundred Hertz to several thousand Hertz .In high power output ,this will cause abnormal noise in transformers and other equipment. So there is a need to inhibit the emergence of this phenomenon. On the other hand, when the supply power is small, we can use this intermittent oscillation Phenomenon ,so that switching circuit can be in a state of low energy consumption. Mainly through the simulation ,this paper give us an example to show how to use some special circle to achieve this inhibition of intermittent oscillation .And also this paper briefly described the use of this intermittent oscillation in some circle. Key word: Switching Power; RCC; Intermittent oscillation 目录 摘要 : i Abstract: ii 目录 iii 引言 1 第一章 RCC电路基础简介 3 1.1 RCC电路工作原理 3 1.1.1电路的起动 3 1.1.2开关晶体管处于ON状态时 4 1.1.3晶体管处于OFF状态时 5 1.2输出电压稳定的问题 7 1.3振荡占空比的计算 8 1.4振荡频率的计算 10 1.5变压器的设计方法 11 1.5.1初级绕组的求法 11


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