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ADDITIONAL Exam Sections to be covered in session Subsections Teacher Room Exam date All revision sessions are from 3.30 - 4.30pm unless otherwise stated Date for Revision Year 11 GAP GC9 INN GB1 JCP GB3 EWM GC2 KAM GB5 BL2HP/BL3HP 13TH MAY 2014 AM AS1HP 13TH MAY 2014 AM 60MINS X 2 90 MINS CH2HP/CH3HP 15TH MAY 2014 AM 60MINS X 2 PH2HP/PH3HP 19TH MAY 2014 PM AS2HP 90MINS SCA1HP 6TH JUNE 2014 PM SCA2HP 12TH JUNE 2014 AM 90 MINS BL1HP 60MINS CH1HP 10TH JUNE 2014 PM PH1HP 60 MINS 12TH JUNE 2014 AM 6TH JUNE 2014 PM ADDITIONAL GCSE SCIENCE REVISION SESSIONS Summer 2014 FAI organ systems, photosynthesis, structure of leaf, rates and controlling photosynthesis work, power, GPE, KE, momentum protein, enzymes, digestion, enzymes in detergents/industry, energy and life processes inheritance of sex, genes controlling characteristics, genetic disorders, fossils, electroplating, electrostatics, current, PD, circuit diagrams, circuits, LEDs, LDRs AC/DC, mains electricity, charge, radioactivity, fission, fusion, star life cycle. plant/animal cells, bacteria, fungi, specialist cells, diffusion, tissues, organs, sampling, covalent, metallic, ionic bonding and compounds, diamond, graphite, Bucky balls, nanotubes, polymers, atomic structures, masses, moles, yield, chromatography, forces, masses acceleration, speed, velocity, distance/velocity time graphs, friction, drag, stopping distances, terminal velocity, Hookes Law, aerobic/anaerobic respiration, mitosis, meiosis, inheritance, Mendels work, extinction, speciation, DNS fingerprint, stem cells, embryo screening, rates of reaction energy in/out, acids and bases, soluble salts, precipitation reactions, electrolysis, Additional biology, chemistry, physics part 1 Additional biology, chemistry, physics part 2 Friday 25th April Monday 28th April Tuesday 29th April Thursday 1st May Friday 2nd May Tuesday 6th May Friday 9th May Monday 12th May Tuesday 13th May Wednesday 14th May Thursday 15th May Friday 16th May Monda


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