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“人肉搜索”:网络集群行为解读 关键词: 人肉搜索 网络集群行为 行为成因 信息传播特点 道德表达 [摘要]:“人肉搜索”这一网络集群行为被社会广泛关注源于2006年4月的“虐猫事件”,而同年同月发生的“铜须门事件”使它有了“网络暴力”之称,参与者被称为“网络暴民”。但网民并未因此而进行反思,反而于2007年之后发动了范围更大、影响更广的“人肉搜索”。何谓“人肉搜索”?“人肉搜索”为何会呈现出愈演愈烈之势?本文试图分析“人肉搜索”这一网络集群行为的成因及其信息传播特点,并对这一现象进行思考。简要来说,“人肉搜索”本质上是一种道德意见的表达。这种网络集群行为成因包括心理、社会、媒介、技术四个方面,同时,“人肉搜索”的信息传播具有五个突出特点,一是个性化信息需求得到满足、弥补信息爆炸时代的信息匮乏;二是传播众主体关系提升、信息反馈得到充分表达;三是大规模自发的人工参与促使信息传播渠道有机融合;四是网络信息的把关弱化导致部分虚假信息的存在及漫延;五是与传统媒介互动日趋紧密、互设“议程”。   "Human flesh search": Interpretation of internet group behavior   Abstract: The internet group behavior of "Human flesh search" started to attract wide attention from the society in April 2006 due to the "cat-abusing case". The "Bronze Door” case which happened in the same month made this group behavior known as "Internet violence", and the participants being referred to as "Internet mob." However, some internet users did not reflect on this behavior, instead, "human flesh search” activities have been launched in a broader scale and with a bigger impact in and after 2007. What is "human flesh search"? Why "Human flesh search" happens more and more often? This paper attempts to analyze the causes of "human flesh search" and it’s characteristics of information dissemination. Briefly speaking, the "human flesh search" is essentially an expression of moral opinions. The behavior has its psychological, social, media, technological roots. "Human flesh search" has 5 characters in information dissemination. Firstly, the need of personalized information has been met to make up for the information scarcity in the age of information explosion. Secondly, the rise of communication subject and the full express of information feedback. Thirdly, large-scale of spontaneous participation makes the convergence of information communication channels. Fourthly, the weakening of internet information gatekeepers causes the existence and spread of some false information. Finally, the Internet interacts with traditional media, setting agenda for each


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