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本科毕业设计(论文) Android系统手机课程表应用程序开发 学 院 信息工程学院 专 业 测控技术与仪器 (光机电一体化方向) 年级班别 2011级(1)班 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 2015 年 6 月 注: API:16及以上 Android版本:4.1.2及以上 程序功能较为简单,代码也不大规范,可能还存在BUG,给你们借鉴一下还是可以的,相信你们可以设计得更好,师兄先毕业了,拜! 源代码跟apk安装包百度云盘在地址: 链接: /s/1o6l69AE 密码: ckps 摘 要 随着的发展,Android和ios为首的智能手机日益普及,Android系统。知名移动设备厂商对于Android智能机的开发热情,Android系统的人群,Android系统的对,Android智能系统更是得到了社会的和 本文了Android系统的结构Android系统应用程序的开发环境用语言开发基于Android系统的课程的实现方法,这些技术包括:基于Android系统的SQLite数据库的和用户界面设计。将在文中对各个技术要点进行具体阐述。经过运行调试后表明,系统可以满足用户的各项求。 注:本设计(论文)题目来源于自选。 Abstract With the rapid development of mobile Internet, headed by IOS and Android smart phone system is becoming more and more popular, the Android system with characteristics of its open source and low price in market competition to occupy a favorable position. Domestic and foreign many well-known mobile equipment manufacturers have to join them, they for the development of Android smartphone enthusiasm, making the popularity of Android population increased rapidly, also the diversity of the Android system, easy and high price for the user produced great attraction. In the past few years Android intelligent system is obtained the widespread application and identity. This paper summarized introduced the overall structure of the Android system development and related technical foundation and build Android application development environment, and for the overall system design, according to the system demand analysis, establish the idea of system development, system design process, then according to the system process module of the system. We also discuss the use of Java programming language design and development method based on Android mobile phone timetable to part of the technology. These methods include: Based on the Android mobile phone timetable of SQLite database to design and create, the user interface design and function design


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