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19 6 Research of Environmental Sciences Vol. 19,No.6,2006 刘建国, 胡建信, 唐孝炎 , 100871 : ,( REACH) ;POPs ( GHS) ( SAICM), . ,, , : , ,., GHS , ,( PRTR) , , , . : ; ; ; ; : X503 : A : 1001- 6929(2006)06- 0121- 06 Global Governance on Environmentally Sound Management of Chemicals and Improvement Requirements for China s System LI Jianguo, H Jianxin, TANG Xiaoyan College of Environmental Sciences, Peking niversity, Beijing 100871, China Abstract: Nowadayswith globalization of theworld, regional policies and regulations on environmentally sound management of chemicals in developed countries are exercising more and more influence to other countries in theworld. One example is E s future policy on chemical management and registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals system ( REACH) . International conventions on environmentally sound management of chemicals like Stockholm Convention on POPs, globally harmonized system of classification and labeling of chemicals (GHS) , and newly achieved strategic approach to international chemicals management ( SAICM) further indicate that the global governance on environmentally soundmanagement of chemicals is coming into being. As a developing country withhuge and quickly increasing production and consumption of chemicals, traditional occupational safety management leading institutional system on chemical management, weak legislations and unsound regulatory system environmental management on chemicals are cumbering the environmentally sound management of chemicals in China. Implementing GHS system, setting up specific regulation on environmental management or a comprehensive legislation on chemical management, sector coordination mechanism, risk assessment and risk management system for prior hazardous chemicals and pollutant release and transfer registers (PRTR) , and improving monitoring system, significant hazardous sourc


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