《商志四级二零一六.12月 3套解析》.pdf

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《商志四级二零一六.12月 3套解析》.pdf

多题多卷题库完整版 新题型 ( ) 2013 年12 月英语四级考试真题详解 新题型第一套 ( ) Part Ⅰ Writing 写作提纲 一、描述图画 过马路只盯着手机,用拐杖来引路(staring at their cell phones,using walking sticks for direction) 1. 人们沉迷于使用手机(become addicted) 二、分析当今社会现象,指出过度使用手机的弊端 2. 对健康有害,破坏人际关系(be detrimental to our health, damaging our interpersonal relationship) 1. 采取措施限制手机的过度使用(certain measures should be taken to limit the overuse of cell 三、个人观点 phones) 2. 大学生应该把精力放在学习上(pay more attention to study instead of cell phones) 范文点评 The Overuse of Cell Phones As is depicted in the cartoon, many people are crossing the street. Rather than looking at the way, they are busy staring at their cell phones and using walking sticks for direction. Obviously, it implies the unprecedented popularity or even overuse of cell phones at present. Exaggerated as the picture is, the phenomenon it reflected is rather thought-provoking. As cell phones are becoming more and more advanced, a growing number of people tend to become addicted to them. According to a survey conducted by an institution this year, more than half of citizens explain that they would experience certain kind of anxiety without cell phones at hand. Meanwhile, the overuse of cell phones, firstly, would be detrimental to our health. What ’s worse, it has the effect of damaging our interpersonal relationship, for the time spent on face-to-


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