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常州机电职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文) 作 者: 沈腾飞 学 号: 系 部: 电气工程系 专 业: 电机与电器 评阅者: 2012年4月 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 随着人们对供电可靠性要求越来越高,很多场合需要用两路电源来保证供电的可靠性,这就需要一种双电源切换器在两路电源之间进行可靠切换。采用可编程控制器解决这类问题具有独特的优势,在电气自动化方面具有广阔的应用前景和很大的市场潜力。与传统继电控制系统相比较,可编程控制器的优势在于:体积小型化,高度集成,同时还有数字运算、数据处理和数据通讯功能。可编程控制器作为新一代的工业控制装置,结构简单、性能全面、可靠性高。该课题是基于可编程控制器的双电源开关设计,用以实现双电源开关的自投自复,缺相和欠压保护,使之可以适应用电要求较高企业的需求。 关键词:双电源切换 PLC 数据处理 缺相和欠压保护 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Title: PLC-based design of dual-power switch Abstract: With increasing demands for high reliability, a number of occasions the need to use two power supplies to ensure reliability of electricity supply, which requires a dual power switch between the two reliable switching power supply. The use of programmable logic controller (PLC) to solve this problem has a unique advantage in electrical automation applications have broad prospects and great market potential. Relay control system with the traditional, compared to programmable logic controller (PLC) has the advantage of being: the volume of smaller, highly integrated, but also the number of computing, data processing and data communication functions. PLC as a new generation of industrial control devices, simple structure, the performance of a comprehensive, high reliability. This topic is based on the programmable logic controller design of dual-power switch, dual power switch for the automatic switch from the complex, lack of phase and under-voltage protection, so that electricity can be adapted to the needs of demanding enterprises. Key words: dual-power switch; PLC; data processing; missing phase and undervoltage protection 目录 1绪 论 1 1.1 设计的背景和意义 1 1.2 可编程控制器的工作原理 1 1.3 设计的基本原则和主要内容 2 2基于PLC双电源开关总体方案设计 4 2.1 引言 4 2.2设计要求 5 2.3 总体方案的确定 5 3 基于PLC双电源开关控制系统硬件设计 6 3.1 引言 6 3.2 电气控制方案设计 6 3.3 PLC型号的选择 10 3.4 特殊功能模块的选择 12 3.4.1 技术参数 12 3.4.2 FX2N-4A/D模块的接线方式 12 3.4.3 缓冲寄存器及设置 13 3.4.4 检测参数设置 15 3.5



