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Chapters 3 4: Integral Relations for a Control Volume and Differential Relations for Fluid Flow Reynolds Transport Theorem (RTT) Need relationship between and changes in . 1 = time rate of change of B in CV = 2 = net outflux of B from CV across CS = General form RTT for moving deforming control volume Special Cases: 1) Non-deforming CV moving at constant velocity 2) Fixed CV Greens Theorem: Since CV fixed and arbitrary gives differential eq. 3) Steady Flow: 4) Uniform flow across discrete CS (steady or unsteady) (- inlet, + outlet) Continuity Equation: B = M = mass of system β = 1 by definition, system = fixed amount of mass Integral Form: Rate of decrease of mass in CV = net rate of mass outflow across CS Note simplifications for non-deforming CV, fixed CV, steady flow, and uniform flow across discrete CS Incompressible Fluid: ρ = constant “conservation of volume” Differential Form: Called the continuity equation since the implication is that ρ and V are continuous functions of x. Incompressible Fluid: ρ = constant Momentum Equation: B = MV = momentum, β = V Integral Form: = vector sum of all forces acting on CV = FB + Fs FB = Body forces, which act on entire CV of fluid due to external force field such as gravity or electrostatic or magnetic forces. Force per unit volume. Fs = Surface forces, which act on entire CS due to normal (pressure and viscous stress) and tangential (viscous stresses) stresses. Force per unit area. When CS cuts through solids Fs may also include FR = reaction forces, e.g., reaction force required to hold nozzle or bend when CS cuts through bolts holding nozzle/bend in place. 1 = rate of change of momentum in CV + 2 = rate of change of momentum across CS 3 = vector sum of all body forces acting on entire CV and surface forces acting on entire CS. Many interesting applications of CV form of momentum equation: vanes, nozzles, bends, rockets, forces on bodies, water hammer, etc. Differential Form: per el


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