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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * David Myers 11e Attraction and Intimacy: Liking and Loving Others * Chapter Eleven What Leads to Friendship and Attraction? What is love? What Enables Close Relationships? Who do Relationships End? Live long dependence on one another “….puts relationships at the core of our existence.” A need to belong, connect to others in enduring relationships A need for competence and autonomy and relatedness (Deci Ryan, 02) Ostracism is painful * What Leads to Friendship and Attraction? Proximity Geographical nearness; functional distance Where did you meet your closest friend, romantic partner? Interaction Availability * What Leads to Friendship and Attraction? Proximity Anticipation of interaction Mere exposure Tendency for novel stimuli to be liked more or rated more positively after the rater has been repeatedly exposed to them Especially things associated with oneself! Exposure without awareness leads to liking (Zajonc) Who’s image do we prefer? Mirror image or real one? * What Leads to Friendship and Attraction? Physical Attractiveness Attractiveness and dating Looks are a predictor of how often one dates Are more men or women hooked on good looks? Looks influence voting * What Leads to Friendship and Attraction? Physical Attractiveness The Matching phenomenon Tendency for men and women to choose as partners those who are a “good match” in attractiveness and other traits Men advertise position, job status, wealth Women advertise looks and youth What % of men and women are “above average” in looks? Men – 67% Women – 72% (self reported) Hitsch et al ‘06) * What Leads to Friendship and Attraction? Physical Attractiveness Physical-attractiveness stereotype Presumption that physically attractive people possess other socially desirable traits as well First impressions Is there an innate component? Do attractive make more money? Is the Beautiful is Good stereotype accurate? Attractive people are valued and favored, and s


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