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inspired by Bengt de Paulis Source: True Family Values THIRD EDITION by JOONG HYUN PAK and ANDREW WILSON * Seven Steps of True Love 1997 Introduction Everyone, without exception, wants to be happy. People feel happy when their desires are fulfilled. However, the desires which result in injustice or harm do not bring enduring joy, free from the pangs of conscience. Our conscience repels the evil desires that result in unrighteousness, and longs to satisfy only good desires that lead to true happiness. Yet, since the beginning of time, people have failed to follow strictly the good desires of the conscience, mainly because of ignorance. What kind of knowledge is essential to happiness? Science? Power? Wealth? No -- the knowledge of true love. Introduction The following seven steps to happiness and fulfillment are not esoteric but are based on common sense and a clear understanding of the dimensions of love. You need not accomplish all seven steps in order to enjoy the fruits of taking just one, although each step leads to the next. This booklet will empower you with knowledge that, if applied, will improve your life. The Dimensions of Love Childrens Love As a baby you are not capable of giving much. All you can do is receive. You are completely selfish. This is not wrong for infants. Your cuteness itself is by design, for it powerfully motivates your parents to love you. It is essential that you receive abundant love at this stage so that you can give love at the higher stages. Brother-Sister Love Here we begin to learn the concept of sharing. If you do someone a favor, that someone win return a favor. A milestone in the development of brother-sister love is the realization that you ought to initiate the reciprocation by giving first. Perfect love is the ability to give without receiving. This enables us to have a successful marriage. Conjugal Love A major component of happiness in life is the abili


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