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藏文信息技术术语(第二稿) 中国藏学研究中心科研项目“术语标准化” 2006 年 4 月 藏文信息技术术语(第二稿)意见征集说明: 尊敬的各位专家组成员: 中国藏学研究中心科研项目“藏文信息技术术语标准化”课题,在经过来自 5 省区和北京的 30 多位翻 译专家和专家组 20 多位专家的共同努力下,经过昆明会议,已经形成了“藏文信息技术术语”第二稿。 昆明会议使先前的讨论稿中的词汇在很高的程度上得到了统一,90% 以上的词汇在专家组范围内得 到了统一,这就是本稿(第二稿)。在此,作为课题负责人我向各位专家付出的努力表示由衷的感谢! 现在,请您对本稿继续提出您的修改意见,对尚未确定的词提出您的方案。我们将在下次专家讨论 会上根据大家的意见最后形成《送审稿》交终审专家组终审。 然后,向国家标准化管理委员会报批 该标准。同时,在年底之前我们还将出版本课题的另一成果:《藏汉英对照信息技术辞典》。 您的意见对咱们课题致关重要。我们在下次专家组讨论会上期待着您宝贵的意见。 课题负责人:扎西次仁 中国藏学研究中心《信息技术词汇藏文国家标准》课题组 2006 年 4 月 - 1 - 2006-4-20 Standardizing Tibetan Terms of Information Technology the China Tibetology Research Center Dear Colleagues, After the meeting of the project expert group consists of 20 experts from all over the country, we have this beta version of Tibetan Information Technology Terminologies, which is the result from the previous version that was done by 26 scholars and translaters from all Tibetan areas and Beijing. As the manager of the project of Standardization Tibetan Information Technology Terminologies, which is supervised by the China Tibetology Research Center, I want to thank all of project participants for your hard work on this. After the project expert group’s Kunming meeting, we have more than 90% of the terms reached to agreenment among the group members. Now, would you please continue to share with us, next time when we have the second meeting, your suggestion to those of the terms that we didn’t reached the agreenment yet by taking some time to continue to read this beta version? After next meeting, which is scheduled around earlier June, we will have the alpha version of the Terminologies, which will be submitted to the final Expert Group of Examination for final examination to the Terminologies. Then after we pa


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