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2012 年职称英语等级考试真题(理工类 A 级) 第1部分:词汇选项 (第1~15,每题1 分,共15 分) 下面每个句子中均有1 个词或短语划有下划线,请为每处划线部分确定1 个意义最为接 近的选项。 1. We almost ran into a Rolls-Royce that pulled out in front of us without signaling. A .overtook B .hit C .passed D .found 2. He shifted his position a little, in order to alleviate the pain in his leg. A .control B .ease C .experience D .suffer 3. Our aim was to update the health service, and we succeeded. A .offer B .provide C .fund D .modernize 4. Every week the magazine presents the profile of a well-known sports personality. A .description B .success C .evidence D .plan 5. All the flats in the building had the same layout. A .color B .size C .function D .arrangement 6. Newborn babies can discriminate between a man’s and a woman’s voice. A .treat B .express C .distinguish D .analyze 7. The weather was crisp and clear and you could see the mountains fifty miles away. A .hot B .heavy C .fresh D .windy 8. Nothing would induce me to vote for him again. A .teach B .help C .attract D .discourage 9. When I heard the noise in the next room, I couldn’t resist have a peep. A .chance B .look C .visit D .try 10. Her comments about men are utterly ridiculous. A .slightly B .partly C .faintly D .completely 11. He was weary of the constant battle between them. A .fond B .proud C .tired D .afraid 12. Sh


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