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地图题写法 环球雅思北京学校 孙笑飞 新浪微博:@环雅孙大圣 Writing Task1 • 数据类小作文 line graph, pie chart, bar chart, table • 非数据类小作文 flow chart, map • Map包括:历史变迁题、选址比较题 The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present. 评分标准 • TA – Task Achievement 任务完成情况 • CC – Coherence and Cohesion 意合与形合 • LR – Lexical Resource 词汇资源 • GRA – Grammatical Range and Accuracy 语法广度与精确度 审题 The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present. 文章结构 第一段 交待写作目的 第二段 描述1995年的地图 拿现在的地图和95年的 第三段 做对比 第四段 总结全文 第一段 题目:The map below shows the development of the village of Ryemouth between 1995 and present. This report compares how the village of Ryemouth has developed and changed since the year of 1995. 地图题第一段句型 This report compares how _______ developed and changed since ________/ between ____ and ____. The two maps illustrate the difference of _______ between ____ and _____. 第二段 方位名词 东:east 西:west 南:south 北:north 东北:north-east 西南:south-west 地图题句型大全 表示A位于…… A is located … A is situated … A is just off the road to …A在通向某地的路边上 A is right at the center of …A在……的正中央 地图题句型大全 表示A靠近或紧挨着B A is next to B A is close to B A is adjacent to B 地图题句型大全 表示A位于B的某一面……公里处 A is located/situated … kilometers


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