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22 4 ( ) V o l. 2 2, N o. 4 2 0 0 8 0 7 Journal o f H unan U niversity( So cial Sciences) Jul. 2 0 0 8 * 王论跃 ( , ) [ 法国汉学的历史源远流长, 在内容上涵盖文学历史哲学社会学数学等方面近二三 年以来, 法国在儒学思想史方面的研究有了较大的突破于连程艾蓝等知名汉学家在前辈学者的研究基础上分别从思 想学术等层面提出了一些新的研究范式, 同时对整 个法国思想界产生了一定的影响本文旨在讨论几 个主要代 表人物的研究工作, 并尽量顾及他们的最新成果及其互相关系, 从而揭示法国汉学界在这 个研究领域的最新动态 [ 孔子; 儒学; 法国汉学; 过程; 相异性 [ B223 [ A [ 1008) 1763( 200 8) 04) 0025) 08 The Present Status of French R esearch on Confucianism W ANG Lun-yu e ( College o f East A sia S tudy, G roupe des EN S, Par is, F rance) Abs tract: T he h istory o f F rench Sino logy is o f long stand ing, it contains literary, history, philosophy, socio lo- gy, m athem atics and so on. Since recent tw enty and thirty years, F rance m ade a great breakthrough on the research of H istory o f C onfucian ism, sino log ists such as Jullien, A ilan Cheng and so on, they pu t forw ard a new research parad igm that from leve l o f though t and learn ing in the basic of prev iou s scholar s study, and have m ade a certa in in fluence on ideo log ica l c irc le of F rance. In th is paper in order to d iscu ss the research wo rk o f m ain reasearchers, considering the ir latest achievem ents and re lationsh ip, and revea l the latest developm ent o f French S ino logy in th is research f ie ld. K ey w ord s: C onfuciu s; Con fucian ism; F rench Sino logy; Process; D issmi ilarity 17 ( Edouard Chavannes, 1865 ~ 1918 ) ( H enri , , M aspero, 1883~ 194 5) ( M arce l Granet, 1884


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