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开放英语3) Society and F amily Life 4) Family Fluences 4) Talking about Yourself 印象最深的CULTURAL NOTES 是(从3个中选取1个) 1) 皇家邮政The Royal Mail.2)家庭模式的变化. The changes of Family Patterns. 3赡养老人Care for the Elderly 阶段性学习栏请各位自己写。 作业1 第一部分:交际用语1-5DCCBB?? 第二部分:英语知识运用6-15DBDAB?CDBAB??16-25CBADB?CDDAA?? 第三部分:阅读理解26-35BDCCD??31-35??ACDCA??36-40TTFFF 第四部分短文Changes in LifeIt is 1 month since I left BUPT, things have changed a lot as I listed below:1st, I begin to cook. Forcing by my girl friend, I start cooking by making fried eggs. But suddenly after I cooked my very first meal in my life, I began to love cooking. Putting my stomach under my own control is the best way to keep healthy. Maybe this is an era that men take all the duties in a family except giving birth to a baby. Whatever, cooking is good life style and I really enjoy it. Hope some day I could cook for you guys, but you really need to wait....2nd, My life style has been more regular. Thank to the shuttle bus of my company, I have a chance to get up early and go home early, also sleep early(except tonight). But the breakfast in my company canteen is...I decide not to say that.3rd, My Financial situation has never been worse. After I handed in my house rent, I have been tight in finance for almost 2 months. The house owner is somewhat disgusting, although looks nice. I hope I have my April salary before the end of May, or I will have nothing to fulfill the house rent.4th, I have lost my direction. It was the first thought when I steped in my company. Because my work is just sustaining a product. Some people have worked for this product for 5 or 6 years and still do the same thing as before. This is terrible for me because, at school I have a direction, I know I should do projects, learn courses and get my degree. Now I dont see a future. What will I be after 3 or 4 years? It is a question I have to face and have to find an answer.And I really hope some experienced one discuss with me the answer for the 4th question. 学习记录卡2 学


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