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《水污染控制工程课程设计》说明书 题?? 目:20000吨/日城市污水处理厂设计 学生姓名: 学?? 院: 系?? 别: 专?? 业: 班?? 级: 指导教师: ? ????? 2012年?06月28日 摘要 城市污水是城市中各种污水和废水的统称,它由各种生活污、工业废水和入渗地下水三部分组成。微生物生长一般处于生长曲线的对数生长期后期或稳定期普通活性污泥法曝气时间比较长,当活性污泥继续向前推进到曝气池末端时,废水中有机物已几乎被耗尽,污泥微生物进入内源代谢期,它的活动能力也相应减弱,因此在沉淀池中容易沉淀,出水中残剩的有机物数量少。处于饥饿状态的污泥回流入曝气池后又能够强烈吸附和氧化有机物,所以普通活性污泥法的BOD和悬浮物去除率都很高,达到90~95%左右。ABSTRACT Urban sewage is kind of sewage and waste water in the city of it by all sorts of life,collectively referred to as evil ever, industrial waste and infiltration groundwater of three parts .Contain BOD,COD,suspended solid, such as the right to remove these substances,will surface water and groundwater cause certain harm, such as black smelly phenomenon,eutrophication, directly or indirectly affect human health. According to the comprehensive analysis of the quality and quantity of this sewage , and for general microbial grow in the late period of the logarithm or stationary in the growth curve , while ordinary activated sludge’s aeration time is long, when it go forward to the end of aeration pool, organic matter in wastewater has almost be exhausted, sludge microbes enter into internal metabolic period, its activity ability also corresponding abate, so it easy precipite in sediment basins,and there is a small amount of residual organic matter in the water . In hungry condition of sludge back into the aeration pool and strongly adsorb and oxidate organic matter, so the removal rate of ordinary activated sludges’ BOD and suspended solids is very high, reached 90 ~ 95%. So we take the method of ordinary activated sludge dispose this sewage. Key words:urban sewage ; the method of ordinary activated sludge; 一、绪论 1.1城市污水 1.1.1城市污水的来源 城市污水是通过下水管道收集到的所有排水,是排入下水管道系统的各种生活污水、工业废水和城市降雨径流的混合水。 1.1.2城市污水性质 1、物理性质 ⑴颜色 以生活污水为主的污水厂,进水颜色通常为灰褐色,这种污水比较新鲜,但实际上进水的颜色通常变化不定,这取决于城市下水管道的排水条件和排入的工业废水的影响。如果进水呈黑色且臭味特别严重,则污水陈腐,可能在管道中存积太久。如果进水中混有明显可辨的其他颜色如红、绿、黄等,则说明有工业废水进入。对一个已建成的污水厂来说,只要它的服务范围与服务对象不发生


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