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XXXX乳业污水处理厂工艺设计 目 录 引 言 3 1设计说明书 8 1.1设计任务 8 1.2流程说明 8 2污水处理设计 9 2.1中格栅 9 2.2调节池 11 2.3气浮池 12 2.4水解酸化池 15 2.5接触氧化池 17 2.6二沉池 19 3污泥部分的计算 24 3.1集泥井 24 3.2污泥浓缩池 25 3.3 污泥脱水 27 4高程的计算 28 4.1高程布置原则 28 4.2水头损失 28 4.3高程计算 29 5泵的选型 32 6工程概算及效益分析 33 6.1工程初步投资预算 33 6.2经济效益分析 33 6.3 环境效益分析 34 结 论 35 致 谢 36 参 考 文 献 37 摘 要 本文是乳业污水的处理工艺以解决带来的环境污染问题污染物浓度较高,易生化降解,悬浮物含量高针对废水特点,考虑成本处理技术进出水水质等因素,的处理工艺。对减轻好氧生物处理负荷、提高有机物去除率、降低污泥量极为有利。国家污水综合排放标准本文对进行计算,编制设计说明书工艺流程、构筑物高程、。Abstract This is the dairy wastewater treatment process design,and it aim to reduce the environment pollution by dairy wastewater. Dairy industrial wastewater has the characteristics of high concentration of pollutants, easy biodegradation, higher content of suspended solids. In view of the wastewater憇s characteristics, the hydrolytic acidification — contact oxidation process was ultimately determined considering the cost, the processing technology and the emission standard. The process can be summarized as follows: Firstly, primary treatment was carried out to remove most of the suspended solids and the main structures include grille, pool and air-conditioning pool. And then hydrolysis acidification and contact oxidation pond were used as biological treatment. Refractory organic matter was degraded into mall molecule organic compound through the role of hydrolysis, and then was oxidized into CO2 and biomass. The hydrolytic acidification—contact oxidation process was beneficia to lessen load,increase organic matter removal and reduce sludge volume. Treated water can reach the first-level emission standard of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996). In this paper, the calculation of main structures, the preparation of design manuals, and five blueprints including district layout,flow chart, elevation chart,main structures were accomplishKeywords: aeration; sedimentation; hydrolytic acidification;contact oxidation 引 言  工废水(industrial wastewater )包括生产废水和生产污水,是指工业生产过程中产生的废水和废液,其中含有随水流失的


jiqinyu2015 + 关注


