
基于Android系统的3G网络功能开发 毕业设计.doc

基于Android系统的3G网络功能开发 毕业设计.doc

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基于Android系统的3G网络功能开发 毕业设计

JIU JIANG UNIVERSITY 毕 业 论 文 题 目 基于Android系统的3G网 络功能开发 英文题目 The 3G Network Development Based on Android System 院 系 信息科学与技术学院 专 业 计算机科学与技术 姓 名 黄盛华 班级学号 A081140 指导教师 于林峰 二○一二年五月 摘 随着Android系统在消费电子行业的份额不断加重,为满足用户对手持移动产品网络功能的要求,3G无线网络功能的开发是非常有必要的。 主要针对中兴MG3732模块的开发。实现在FS_S5PC100开发板上连接MG3732模块后,可以在其搭载的Android2.2系统中实现3G无线网络的打电话、发短信和上网。 首先搭建一个Android系统开发的环境,主要是安装编译工具链,和搭建Java平台。其次是实现电话、短信框架,主要是对RIL层的开发和MG3732模块驱动的调试,这是整个开发过程中的重点和难点,需要长时间调试和优化。然后是实现PPPD拨号上网,最后编译内核和Android源码,获得img镜像文件,烧录开发板后,插上MG3732模块,验证功能。 关键词:Abstract With the Android system component in the consumer electronics industry has been increasing to meet the requirements of the users of the network functionality of handheld mobile products, the development of 3G wireless network function is very necessary. The development work is mainly for ZTE MG3732 module development. Overall to achieve the MG3732 module s5pc100 development board connected Android2.2 system equipped with 3G wireless networks, phone calls, texting and the Internet. First, the development is to build an Android system development environment, is to install the compiler tool chain,and build the Java platform. Followed by MG3732 module-driven the debugging and Androi2.2 system middle layer (the FRAMEWORK layer) is the development of RIL, which is the focus throughout the development process more difficult, after a long period of debugging and optimization. Then the preparation of the PPP dial-up script and AT command script, and finally compiled Adroid source live img files, and burn development board, the certification function. Keywords:Android System, 3rd Generation Communication, Network Functions 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 1 绪论 1.1系统概述 (1) 1.2 研究的意义 (1) 1.3 发展现状 (1) 1.4 发展趋势 (2) 1.5 本章小结 (2) 2 需求分析 (3) 2.2软件需求分析 (3) 2.3用户需求分析 (4) 2.4可行性 (5) 2.5本章小结 (6) 3 硬件与软件环境概述 3.1硬件概述 (7) 3.2软件环境概述 (8


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