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越南汪秘1×330MW 机组 Vietnam Uong Bi 1×330MW Unit 锅炉启动操作票 OPERATING PERMIT SHEET FOR BOILER START-UP 编 号No_________ 发令人: . 受令人: . 操作人: . 监护人: . 起始 年 月 日 时 分终止 年 月 日 时 分 班别 人员职别Operator 班 班 班 班 发令人 监护人 操作人 交 班 时 间日 时 分 our Minute 日 时 分our Minute 日 时 分our Minute 日 时 分our Minute 操作票使用说明 1 每项操作完毕,由监护人在“执行”栏上打“√”。具体操作人则在“操作人”栏签名。 After the operation for each item is finished, the “√” in the “execution” blank should be ticked by the supervisor and the concrete operator should sign in the “operator” blank. 2 如遇到某项操作本次不需要操作时,由监护人在“执行”栏上打“—”记号。 If one item does not need to be operated, the supervisor should tick “—” in the “execution blank. 3 在操作过程中,遇到特殊情况及异常,则记录在备注栏内。 During the operation, if there is special condition or abnormality, take down on the remark blank. 4 其它操作及注意事项按规程执行。 Other operation and notices should be executed according to the stipulations. 锅炉启动操作票 Boiler startup operation sheet 序号操 作 内 容执行 时间Executed time 执行Executing condition 操作人Operator 启动前的检查 1 接值长指令后,受令人(班长)组织所属班员作好操作分工;准备好操作所需工器具After receiving the order form the shift engineer, the receiver (foreman) should organize his staffs to assign the work and prepare all the needed apparatus and tools. 2 检查所有检修工作全部结束,工作票已全部注销并收回,一切安全措施拆除,现场清理干净,设备管道保温完整,道路畅通,照明良好。Check all the overhaul had been finished, the working permit sheet had been canceled, all the safety measures had been dismantled, the site had been clear, the insulation for the piping is completed, the road is not impeded and the lighting is good. 3 机组启动前的联锁保护试验按运行规程要求已完成试验合格;Before the start of the unit, the protection test for the interlock had been done according to the manual and the test is qualified. 4 按规程要求检查系统、设备符合正常启动条件,相关阀门处于启动要求的开、关状态,相应联锁、保护处于投入位置。Check the system according to the manual, all the devices are in accordance with the normal startup


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