
组合机床及其主轴箱设计说明书 1 毕业设计.doc

组合机床及其主轴箱设计说明书 1 毕业设计.doc

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组合机床及其主轴箱设计说明书 1 毕业设计

摘 要 组合机床,是由大量的通用部件和少量专用部件组成的工序集中的高效率机床。其特点有:结构紧凑、工作质量可靠、设计和制造周期短、投资少、经济效果好、生产率高等。 本次设计的题目是铣削组合机床及主轴组件。首先针对所要加工的零件入手,对机床进行总体方案设计,进而确定机床的总体布局,随后,对主轴组件进行设计。在设计主轴组件时,以主轴为线索,在满足刚度、精度等要求下,完成其它(如轴承、轴向调节机构、锁紧机构等)所有零件的设计。 设计机械加工工艺规程遵循如下原则: 保证零件图样上所有技术要求的实现。 必须能满足生产纲领的要求。 在满足技术要求和生产纲领要求的前提下,要求工艺成本最低,低耗节能。 尽量减轻工人的劳动强度,保障生产安全。维护环境卫生。 本产品是按用户要求而设计的,用户讨论合格后,投入生产,希望指导、鉴定。 关键词:组合机床,主轴组件,主轴,轴承,轴向调节机构 Abstract Modular Machine, by the large number of common parts and a small number of specialized components of the process focused efficient machine. Its features include compact, reliable quality, design and manufacturing cycle shorter, less investment and economic effects, and higher productivity. The design is the subject of combined milling machine spindle components. First of all, for the processing of parts to start with a general program of machine design, machine tool and then determine the overall layout, then the design of the main components. Components in the design of the spindle to spindle for clues, to meet the stiffness and precision required to complete the other (such as bearings, axial adjustment agencies, locking, etc.) the design of all parts. Design mechanical processing order to follow the following principles 1) To ensure that all parts drawings on the realization of the technical requirements. 2) Program must be able to meet production requirements. 3) To meet the technical requirements and requirements of the production program, under the premise of the minimum requirements of cost, low energy. 4) Minimize the labor intensity of workers, protection of production safety. This product is based on user requirements and design, the user discussion after passing the production, hope the guide, identified. Keywords: Modular Machine, spindle components, spindle, bearings, axial adjustment 目 录 绪论 1 第1章 机床总体设计 1 1.1 机床总体方案设计的依据 1 1.2工艺分析 1 1.3机床主要技术参数的确定 3 1.4进给驱动电动机功率的确定 5 第2章 主轴组件要求与设计计算 6 2.1主轴的基本要求 6 2.2主轴组件的布局 9 2.3主轴结构的初步拟定 12 2.4主轴的材料与热处理 13 2.5主轴的技术要求


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