
河南羊品种肉用性能评价及新品种培育 (PPTminimizer).ppt

河南羊品种肉用性能评价及新品种培育 (PPTminimizer).ppt

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河南羊品种肉用性能评价及新品种培育 (PPTminimizer)

In the first year two permanent teeth appear - 1 and 2. In Figure 1 below you can see the prominent (all pictures are of the bottom jaw) and larger two middle teeth. This is the first year of a sheeps life, and commonly referred to as a two-tooth. Figure 2 shows the teeth of a sheep at two years of age, or four-tooth. In this second year, two more teeth, 3 and 4 force out A and B (Figure 1). In Figure 3 below a sheep is nw three years old, with six teeth. At this stage 5 and 6 appear, displacing C and D (Figure 2). Figure 4 shows a full mouthed sheep at four years of age (eight-tooth, although no-one calls them this). You will notice that 7 and 8 have come through and E and F have dropped out. After a sheep has a full mouth, it is difficult to be certain of their age. However, an experienced stock handler will have a good idea, as there are subtle although noticeable physiological changes and teeth deteriorate over time. As the animal grows older the teeth become shorter, thinner, loose in the gums, broken, and finally fall out. A very old sheep is often referred to as broken mouthed and depending on feed type, can have serious problems eating. Milk teeth: less than 1 year ,all temporary teeth Two Tooth: about 1 to 1.5 years ,one pair of permanent incisors,with remaining incisors still temporary Six Tooth: about 2 to 3 years 。three pairs of permanent incisors Eight Tooth or Full Mouth: about 3 to 4 years Worn Mouth or Broken Mouth: about 4 years or more, depending,on diet, environment and living conditions Gummy: Aged How to check the incisor teeth Sheep have 32 permanent teeth. Eight lower incisors, no upper incisors, 12 molars on the top jaw and 12 molars on the bottom jaw. As with all ruminant animals, goats only have front incisor teeth on the lower jaw, and goats get two sets of teeth during their life. The first, often called milk teeth, are replaced progressively from the centre by larger, permanent teeth. The central teeth erupt first as a pair, th


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