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摘 要 由于存在底水特征,在对低渗透底水油气藏进行压裂作业时,裂 缝易穿入底水层,造成压裂井大量出水,增加油气井开发和改造难度。 本文在国内外相关研究的基础上,建立二维裂缝数学模型,用数值方 法计算储、隔层应力差等因素对裂缝垂向延伸的影响,并且应用压裂 软件对影响裂缝高度的因素进行敏感性分析,找出了影响裂缝垂向延 伸的重要因素,较为全面地研究了裂缝垂向延伸规律。通过分析,认 为隔层与储层的应力差,压裂液流态指数,压裂液稠度系数,施工排 量是影响裂缝垂向延伸的主要参数。以此为基础,针对底水油气藏的 特点,研究参数优化的方法,探讨变排量和转向剂人工裂缝高度控制 等适合于底水油气藏储层的压裂技术。在长庆的姬塬油田和子洲-清涧 气田开展现场试验,运用不稳定试井法分析部分井的压后效果,为今 后类似储层的压裂改造提供了借鉴和参考。 关键词:底水油气藏 水力压裂 压裂液 施工排量 转向剂 i Subject: Research of Hydraulic Fracturing Technology on low permeable Basal water Reservoir Abstract Because of the bottom water characteristic, when carried on the hydraulic fracturing in low permeable basal water reservoir, the crack is easy to penetrate the bottom water level, thus creates the well massive water leakage, which may increase the difficulty for the development and the transformation of these wells. In the domestic and foreign research foundation, the article has established two-dimension crack model and calculated the influence of the stress difference between barrier and pool et al. on vertical extent of the fracture with the numerical method. This paper also utilized fracture software to make a sensitive analysis on the influence factors of fracture height, found out the important attributions which may affect crack extent in the vertical direction, thus did research in the rules about crack extent comprehensively. Though analysis, the paper considered that stress difference between barrier and pool, delivery rate, flow regime index and consistency coefficient of fracture liquid were the main parameters which may affect crack to extend vertically. And taken this as foundation, the paper has discussed fracturing technology to fit for th



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