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Preparing your results for publication Preparing your results for publication 如何准备用于发表的研究结果 如何准备用于发表的研究结果 Maximising your chances to get your Maximising your chances to get your manuscript rapidly accepted manuscript rapidly accepted 以使你的文稿获取最优机会而被快速接受 以使你的文稿获取最优机会而被快速接受 Hans Lambers著 何新华 编译 Hans Lambers著 何新华 编译 School of Plant Biology School of Plant Biology The University of Western Australia The University of Western Australia Perth, Australia Perth, Australia My credentials (本人信誉 ) My credentials (本人信誉 ) • Most importantly (co-)author of 250 papers • Most importantly (co-)author of 250 papers 重要成果 (共同)作者研究论文超过250篇 重要成果 (共同)作者 论文超过250篇 • Senior author of a textbook: Plant Physiological • Senior author of a textbook: Plant Physiological nd Ecology (2nd edition 2008) Ecology (2 edition 2008) 以第一作者身份出版专著: 植物生理生态学(第二版2008) 以第一作者身份出版专著: 植物生理生态学(第二版2008) • (Past) member of (Advisory) Editorial Boards, e.g.: • (Past) member of (Advisory) Editorial Boards, e.g.: 已担任下述专业期刊的(顾问)编委, 如: 已担任下述专业期刊的(顾问)编委, 如: – Physiologia Plantarum 欧洲植物生理 – Physiologia Plantarum 欧洲植物生理 – Plant, Cell Environment 植物, 细胞与环境 – Plant, Cell Environment 植物, 细胞与环境 – Functional Plant Biology 功能植物生物学 – Functional Plant Biology 功能植物生物学 – Tree Physiology 树木生理学 – Tree Physiology 树木生理学 • (Co-)editor of several books 几本书籍的(共同)编委 • (Co-)editor of several books 几本书籍的(共同)编委 • Editor-in-Chief of Plant Soil (“植物与土壤”主编) • Editor-in-Chief of Plant Soil (“植物与土壤”主编) • Did I pass the test? (我是


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