微软的绩效管理(PPT 56页).ppt

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微软的绩效管理(PPT 56页).ppt

微软的绩效管理 Performance Management at Microsoft 微软的人力资源战略 微软的绩效考核 Performance Review at Microsoft 考核与报酬理念 Review Rewards Philosophy 为绩效而付薪 Pay for Performance 为工作而付薪 Pay for Job 基于双方一致目标的达成 Rewards based on attainment of mutually agreed upon objectives 支持业务的目标 Supports business objectives 绩效管理的流程 Performance Review Process 基于对获得更好的业务结果 With the focus on driving business results, it is: “我们使用持续的流程来确定以及奖励完成的工作以及工作是如何完成的。” “The ongoing process we use to define, evaluate and reward the work and how it gets done at Microsoft.” 绩效管理 Performance Review Process 8月份绩效考评的目的 Purpose of August Reviews 一个对于您过去一年绩效反馈的年度察看. Serves as a an annual look at feedback on your performance for the last year. 一个给您直属经理打分的机会 Opportunity for you to provide your immediate manager feedback on their performance. 一个提供为确认或确定今后目标的讨论的机会 Provides an opportunity for a discussion to reconfirm/set future goals and objectives. 将财务的奖励直接与绩效挂钩(加薪,奖金,股票) Links financial rewards directly with performance (merit increase, bonus, stock options) 微软绩效管理的要素 Elements of Performance Management at Microsoft 设定清晰的目标 Setting clear objectives 持续而一致的反馈 Constant and consistent feedback 理解微软所需的技能 Understanding MS competency 填写书面考核表 Writing reviews 通过经理反馈表给您的经理打分--非常重要 Providing management feedback to your manager’s manager via the Manager Feedback Form – IMPORTANT 经理与员工需要设定明确且可衡量的目标 Manager and Employee Need to Set Specific and Measurable Objectives 将目标与以下结合 Align Objectives 团队与机构的目标 Team and subsidiary goals 个人的职业目标 Individual career goals 在执行的优先性方面取得一致 Mutual Agreement between Manager and Employee on Priorities SMART 目标以及质量的标准 SMART Goals and Quality Standards 跟踪与反馈的计划 Plan for Follow-Up and Feedback 设定“SMART” 目标 Writing “SMART” Goals 将目标与下面向结合 Align objectives 团队与分公司的目标 team and division goals 个人的职业目标 individual career goals 确定优先性 Clarify priority 考虑您的熟练程度 Consider your proficiency 确定清晰的测量方法与质量标准 Defi


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